Miscellany and detritus, from the writer of Is This Mutton?com

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

52/365: A year in flowers - the tulip

The arrival of particular flowers each season is a great pleasure of mine. It starts with the snowdrop, that brave little harbinger of spring. Next come the daffodils followed by tulips in the shops, with the promise of a vivid show in the garden in a few weeks' time. Every year I plant more and more tulips.

I always have some deeply scented hyacinths indoors, as well as outside. The next big arrival for me in the shops is stocks. Their heady smell makes me feel intoxicated. And then it's the big bang of the rose, and for me the pink explosion of Gertrude Jekhyll in the garden. Finally autumn brings the gaudy, flamboyant dahlias and Christmas the wistful hellebores.

I only buy flowers when they are seasonal, as it gives you more to look forward to, and I only buy British flowers.

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